Porch Installation
Read through step-by-step tutorials to help you prepare for any installation pertaining to your porch.

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How to Hang a Porch Swing through Vinyl
Ask This Old House general contractor Tom Silva adds structure to a porch in order to safely hang a swing
How to Screen in a Porch
A clever new way to replace or install a porch screen.
How to Install a Lattice Under Deck
Dress up your front porch with hinged panels of plastic skirting.
How to Install a Beadboard Porch Ceiling
Gussy up your porch in time for outdoor entertaining
Joining Tongue-and-Groove Plywood
Coax those tongue-and-groove edges together for a tight, no-bounce fit
How to Hang a Porch Swing
Precisely measuring the enjoyment porch swings provide is difficult, but a good place to start is monitoring how long your smile lasts.