Landscaping Maintenance
Our landscaping maintenance tips can help you keep your home cost efficient, safe & cozy.

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What You Need in a Snow Removal Kit
Landscape contractor Lee Gilliam shows host Kevin O’Connor how to prepare for winter. Lee shows the tools and materials he uses, as well as some maintenance to make sure his tools are ready.
How to Clean Hardscape
Mason Mark McCullough shows host Kevin O’Connor how to remove organic stains from hardscape like bluestone and limestone blocks and pavers.
Spring Checklist: Prep Your Home for Warm Weather
Get your home, lawn, and garden ready for the milder, wetter days on the way
Ultimate Guide to Tree Pruning
Looking for the best methods and tips for tree pruning? Our guide outlines best pruning practices and how this maintenance affects the health of your trees.
End-of-Summer Yard and Garden Cleanup Tips
Give your lawn and garden the care they need by removing debris, dividing crowded perennials, and adding mulch—so plants can come back stronger.
All About Mulch
Ask This Old House landscape contractor Jenn Nawada explains the purposes of different types of mulch and demonstrates a few application techniques.
The 5 Best Lawn Mowers (2023 Review)
A quality lawn mower keeps your grass groomed and healthy. In this review, the This Old House Reviews Team researched the five best lawn mowers on Amazon to help you find the one that’s right for you. The products included in this article are available at various retail stores, local home centers, and online retailers like Amazon.
Should I Mulch with Pine Needles?
Read to learn the pros and cons of using pine needles as mulch.
How to Repair a Cracked Stucco Retaining Wall
Ask This Old House mason Mark McCullough travels to San Diego to repair a crack in a concrete retaining wall with a stucco finish
How to Dispose of Fall Leaves
You found the rake—now do the right thing
How to Maintain Fruit Trees
Pay attention to these four key areas and your trees will remain at a manageable height while producing abundant fruit. Tom Spellman of Dave Wilson Nursery, one of the largest growers of fruit trees in the country, helps gardeners get the most out of their trees by focusing on this checklist
How to Prune in Early Spring
Prune these specimens in the late winter or early spring for thicker foliage later on.
CHECKLIST | Get Your House Ready for Spring
Put these items on your fix-it list to transition from winter to spring
How to Choose Grass Seed
Picking the appropriate grass seed with This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook and turf expert Mary Owen
How to Winterize Shrubs
Heavy snow and other cold-weather hazards can wreak havoc on yard plantings. Here's how to protect your shrubs in winter so that they make it to spring damage-free
How to Winterize Yard Tools
Your outdoor power tools will benefit from some upkeep before they hibernate for the long winter ahead.
Learn the Best Ways to Deal with Storm Water
These landscape drainage solutions prevent puddling and flooding and look good too.
How to Install an In-Ground Sprinkler System
In-ground lawn sprinklers deliver a precise amount of water, then automatically shut off and drop out of sight. Learn how much one costs and how to install it yourself.