Curb Appeal Installation
Read through step-by-step tutorials to help you prepare for any installation pertaining to your curb appeal.

How to Repair a Rusted Wrought Iron Railing
This Old House general contractor Tom Silva rebuilds a corroded, unsafe railing.
How to Install an Aluminum Storm Door
A tightly weatherstripped storm door can reduce air leakage around a front door by as much as 45 percent
In-Ground Flagpole Installation
Helpful instructions to let your patriotic spirit fly from your front lawn with this DIY weekend project.
How to Install a Front-Entry Flagpole
Hanging the Stars and Stripes will give your house a nice seasonal touch of classic Americana. Here's how
How to Install a Lamppost
See your way to a safer terrain with this step-by-step guide to installing a lamppost.
How to Build a Screen Door
A screen door made from wood is the most elegant choice for keeping out unwelcome guests.